Saturday, January 16, 2016

Love...Simply answered

I've thought a lot about love lately. What that word actually means to me. I've realized that every single one of us has our own view on that illustrious word.

What does the word love mean to me? Oh boy...what doesn't it mean to me. 

Love is hearing my children laugh, feeling their small arms wrap around me, brushing my hand across their mischievous brows, getting those impish good nights complete with a kiss and hug.

Love is when I'm having a rough day and my kitten hops into my lap, curls up, and starts purring away. Not demanding me to pet her because in that moment she is just offering her subtle support.

Love is that warmth inside when my best friend gives me a tight hug and whispers that she missed me. Or when she and I are laughing so hard that we can't catch our breath and no noise is coming out. It's even when we spend a whole day in our pajamas and do nothing but watch movie after movie, barely speaking to each other, content to just be near each other.

Love is taking a moment to look up and gaze at the stars, standing in the light of the moon, and feeling peace that the universe has a plan for each and everyone of us. Trusting in that.

Love is taking pride in the simple things I do to show my children that they are my world. Making their favorite meal, cuddling with them while watching their favorite movie, helping them with homework, or patiently explaining my answers to their insightful questions.

Love is everything I do and feel in regards to those that have a place within my heart and mind.

Love is finding joy in the simplicity...or what we perceive as simple, but is in fact intricate...of the world around me. The way the breeze plays within the strands of my hair, the sun glistens on the water's surface, the gradual growth of my favorite flora and fauna, the feel of the earth beneath my feet...nature in all of it's glory.

Love is seeing the excitement in my dog when she see's me for the first time after a separation, no matter the length of said separation.

Love to me is in every moment of every day. Every emotion, good or bad, comes down to love, because if we didn't love it, we wouldn't have strong emotions about it.

This is my simple answer to such a complex feeling...yet sometimes the simple answer works the best.