Sunday, December 20, 2015

Time given

Life gets busy. It is a fact of reality that each and every single one of us struggles with day in and day out. As we age, our responsibilities grow and we find ourselves getting lost in the daily grind of work, commutes, family, sports for our children, so on and so forth. Because of these daily consistencies, keeping in touch with those that we care for outside of them becomes harder and harder.

I have always been a firm believer in the beauty of time given from one human to another, but now I am learning to cherish it. I am also learning that the ones I cherish can't give me the time that I give to them. I am learning to accept that because I know that not many are built like I am. 

I'm not sure if it's a fault or not, but when someone texts me or calls, I feel compelled to answer as soon as I am able. And that usually means that I will stop what I'm doing to do so. Not always, but often. I have the constant need to show others that I am here for them no matter what. Most likely because I have struggled with not feeling wanted or needed most of my life.

In some ways I do believe it is a fault. If I care for you, I tend to put your needs in front of my own. When I do that, I'm not doing the other person any favors. I'm basically showing them that their needs matter more than my own. Please trust me when I say this was a hard learned lesson.

On the other side though, I believe it is a wonderful trait. I take pride in being able to do something so simple and having the chance at brightening someone's day, all because I stopped for a moment to answer a quick text. It's like me saying, yes, I was in the middle of something but you matter to me and I want you to know that you matter.

Time given to those that hold a place in our hearts, because anyone that you have bestowed the label friend or family holds a place in that amazing organ, is never time wasted. Even if it's a simple response of "can I get back to you later?", it is time given to someone that you care for. Time showing them that they do matter to you. And when time is short in the grand scheme of this thing we call life, that piece of time given matters to the one gifted more than you may know.

1 comment:

  1. Give your time, it’s a bit of you
    Other’s will cherish what you do
    It’s really cool to show you care
    Have the courage, embrace and share
